Paris, Here I Come!
August 16, 2015 Paris

It’s coming true! Husband and I are going to Paris! We decided on November and I know what you are thinking. “November? Really? That’s not exactly the best time to go to Paris. Isn’t there a song about loving Paris in the springtime?”

All of this is true, but November was the best fit for our schedules for several reasons. One, the marathon is at the end of October, and I didn’t want to have to run and train while in Paris. I want to eat and drink wine and be a tourist. I don’t want to worry about eating too many croissants. Two, I actually love the weather in the fall. It’s my favorite season, so I thought it wouldn’t be too bad walking around in slightly chilly weather (50s is slightly chilly to this New England girl), popping into cafes for a coffee or mulled wine to warm up. And finally, it isn’t tourist season in Paris in November so the deals are better and the lines are shorter.

This little box sits on my desk to save money for Paris. It has a lot of change in it. Enough to buy some new clothes for Paris! What should I wear? I want to look amazing!

This little box sits on my desk to save money for Paris. It has a lot of change in it. Enough to buy some new clothes for Paris! What should I wear? I want to look amazing!

And Wow!, we found a great deal on airfare. $500 round trip! It’s on something called Wow! Air which flies through Iceland. I don’t know. We may die. I am not a nervous flier, but I don’t have too much confidence in a business that names itself Wow! Not many companies can get away with having an exclamation point in their company name. Yahoo! and No!No! are the only others that come to mind. Neither inspire confidence. But on the other hand, I’ve never heard of a major accident on Wow! Air either. I know I would have remembered!!

I'm going here!! How lucky am I???

I’m going here!! How lucky am I???

Anyway, we are flying overnight with a short layover in Iceland, and we will be in Paris early the next morning.

Our next decision was where to stay. The sheer number of hotels was overwhelming and it seemed like every single one of them said they were near the Eiffel Tower. How is that possible? It’s not. Anyway, I sought advice from a guidebook and that led me to look into renting an apartment. How cool is that? Every night I will be returning to my apartment in Paris? Like I live there!

This isn't me and Husband kissing in Paris in the fall, but it's going to be!

This isn’t me and Husband kissing in Paris in the fall, but it’s going to be!

So with our air travel and accommodations all set, now we just need to plan the rest of the trip. What sights do we really want to see? What restaurants do we want to eat at? Any advice? Please share in the comments!


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