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Paris: Louvre, Arc de Triumphe & the Worst Friday the 13th in Paris History

Friday marked the second and final day of our Paris Museum Pass and we wanted to use it to its fullest, so we planned to stop at the Louvre, Musee de l’Orangerie, and the Arc de Triumphe on our last big sightseeing day. Since we also planned to see the Arc de Triumphe at night, we also thought we’d plan a nicer dinner out near the Champs d’Elysses.

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Je T’Aime, Paris: First Days in Paris

After Husband and I ran the marathon, I was finally able to focus on my next big bucket list goal, traveling to Paris!! I had been dreaming of Paris since we made the airline and AirBNB reservations over the summer, but dreaming in blurry images. I saw myself in the cafes on my Pinterest “Paris” board and going up the Eiffel Tower and wandering around holding Husband’s hand. That was sort of the extent of my dreaming. As it got closer, people started asking some very good questions, like “what do you want to see?” Umm, the Eiffel Tower, some museums, and stuff. “Have you made any restaurant reservations?” Umm, no.

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Is This Marathon Thing Ever Going to Be Done?

My last post about marathon training really scared me. It was August and I could barely run a few miles. I went to the doctor, got some medicine for my asthma, finally felt better and started training hardcore. (Hardcore for me is waking up at 4:45am to run, even on the weekends. It’s not running really fast or anything cool. It’s basically just being hardcore enough to wake up early and run in the dark).


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Holy $h!t, I Only Have a Year Left to Finish

I turned 39 on July 10, 2015. This birthday was an unusual one for me because I was away from home, helping my best friend move to Florida. It made for a very different, but fun birthday. I didn’t see Son at all on my birthday. I only saw Husband for a few minutes in the morning before I got on a flight to help her unpack her life in Gainesville. It was wonderful to see where she would be living and to get to say hello again so shortly after I had to say goodbye to her.

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Hike a section of the Appalachian Trail

Having read both A Walk in the Woods  and more recently, Wild, I loved the idea of adding an epic hike to my 40 before 40 list. However, an overnight, weekend, or weeklong hike seemed a little out of reach for me. I didn’t want to buy special gear. I don’t want to lose toenails and have blistered feet. My poor feet are taking enough of a beating during training for a marathon. So in the end, I decided I would add a hike on the Appalachian Trail, or AT. I would love to hike the whole thing sometime, but that’s a life bucket list item. I knew it wasn’t realistic for this list.

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